Saturday, 31 March 2012

United Pakistan of JINNAH!!

Pakistan is a developing country. It has a semi industrialized economy comprising of textiles, chemicals, the agricultural sector and various other industries. Our economy is suffering from political instability, rising population growth rate, financial crisis and rising inflation. Pakistan is considered to be in a state of war and is a victim of terrorism for the past few years, resulting in cause of economic and political instability. Despite of the fact, Pakistan's economy is facing severe economic problems, it has the potential to recover and revive its economy. This cannot be done without the efforts of both the government and individual. To start with we should do what Muhammad Ali Jinnah told us on August 11 1947 in Karachi
 "If we want to make this great State of Pakistan happy and prosperous we should wholly and solely concentrate on the well-being of the people, and especially of the masses and the poor..."    
Education is very important among the youth of our country to bring a positive change in our country. Getting education is everyones right. The government should make sure that each and every kid gets education. Pakistan’s poor performance in the education sector is mainly caused by the low level of public investment.Public expenditure on education has been 2.2 percent of GNP in recent years, a marginal increase from 2 percent before 1984-85. In addition, the allocation of government funds is skewed towards higher education, allowing the upper income class to reap majority of the benefits of public subsidy on education. Lower education institutes such as primary schools suffer under such conditions as the lower income classes are unable to enjoy subsidies and quality education. As a result, Pakistan has one of the lowest rates of literacy in the world, and the lowest among countries of comparative resources and socio-economic situations
There should be a proper system overlooking the problem of  population growth. The citizens of Pakistan should be given basic education about it, if not done the land and resources will not be enough to satisfy the whole population/
The youth and media should know what roles they have to play, because both of them are the most important and efficient assets of a country, they can help a lot in bringing about a change or a revolution in this case.
 To make Pakistan a country full of prosperity using the educated youth of Pakistan who can make a change. The educated youth need to unite,bring together a country that will bring economic success, take away unjust leaders and have a country that will have a strong legal system.

It's time for change, it's time for a better Pakistan. The educated youth of Pakistan, it's time for you to Unite..NOW!

                                                                                                            SALMAN MOHAYUDIN RIAZ


  1. Salman this is a nice article , very nicely written , and i liked how you started by quoting muhammad ali jinnahs saying. Good work

  2. Blogs Has Never Helped Dude For Such Revolutionary Changes!!

    But What You Have Explained Is Something I Must Say Valuable!!

    B.O.L!! (PEACE)

  3. Well written, keep it up!
