Sunday 1 April 2012

Khilafat Versus Secularism

                                                Khilafat Versus Secularism

As the national institutions again collectively hoist in their droves the national flag and sings praises of the national anthem, many who mechanically join them on the streets of Pakistan for the sixty-fourth time in this annual milestone, know very well that these token gestures of independence and pride are as hollow and shallow as their supply of electricity & gas, their security situation and the economic and political outlook of their very country.

For whilst the ruling elite is robbing the resources of the country disregard of the population of which fifty million eat just one meal a day, where as a new generation of political personalities like Hina Rabanni Khar are presenting themselves on the world stage accompanied by thousands of dollars worth of fashion accessories and at the same time their pampered and unaware children use this 'Indepen-dance' day for yet another excuse to party away into the late hours of the night - the country around them burns with politically motivated sectarian violence, crushing poverty and inflation, disintegrating state services and utilities, and last but not least, from an onslaught of a specialist foreign US network of agents there to create havoc in the country by all forms of overt and covert means. 
In this backdrop, and with the Muslim world around them ignite with uprisings after decades of submissiveness to western backed despots and puppets, the Muslim Ummah in Pakistan desires a change; one that will finally be in accordance with the very foundation vision for the country and more importantly one that will be in line with their very beliefs of Islam. 
The intellectual liberal 'elite' of Pakistan thinks that the future of the Pakistani nation lies in secularism – where specifically Islam has no role to play. They have easily forgotten the whole scenario of Pakistan's existence.
 Furthermore, by blaming Islam for the ills in the country, the secularists ignore the fact that in the face of such an oppressive and exploitative secular ruling system, what has held the society together? These are the aspects of Islam that have remained amongst the people.
In the complete implementation of Islam, specifically in the form of its ruling system or Khilafat, lies the far reaching political vision to lead Pakistan out of this challenging time.

It will be the Khilafat that will move the killings in Karachi to an end. It would not tolerate the existence of criminal gangsters under the guise of politicians who fan the flames of sectarianism who are abusing and killing the people just for the sake of power and wealth. Islam would never seek to make political deals with these people, as the current regime is doing to secure its own government.

The Khilafat will remove the American military presence from Pakistan. It will never allow a single agent of CIA or Blackwater to remain on any part of its territory. In 1947, the Muslims of the sub-continent did not sacrifice their lives and wealth to throw off British rule and secure themselves from oppression in India only to accept the repression of America today. They sacrificed so that they and their future generations to come could live in safety and serenity under the shade of Islam.

The Khilafat will move to end the artificially induced energy crisis that has been created by the absolute incompetence, greed and inability of our secular rulers in managing Pakistan's vast resources. The Khilafat would not allow foreign multi-nationals to come and lay claim to resources that belong to the people of Pakistan, only to sell it back to them at a huge mark up.

The Khilafat will solve the crushing poverty faced by hundreds of thousands people of Pakistanis on a daily basis. It is intolerable that our people live in such filth and poverty due to the failed policies of the corrupt and self-interested rulers – and not because Allah did not bless this land with more than enough resources. The Khilafat will swap the fiat currency model – failing in the United States and Europe in front of all to see. The Khilafat will move to invest heavily in areas of agriculture and industry to create jobs and wealth, as opposed to the current failed solution of simply turning on the printing machine at the State bank.

Indeed when Islam is finally implemented as an ideology via none other than the Khilafat system in Pakistan, we will at long last see true progression and prosperity surpass all levels and ethnicities of society, benefiting young and old, rich and poor, Muslim and non-Muslim in a similar way – insha'Allah.

Muhammad Sohaib Sabir.
Section: H

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