Thursday, 29 March 2012


Pakistan cannot be a strong economy unless the problem of unemployment is adequately addressed. Many young men and women commit suicide because of their long unemployment and lack of any means of livelihood. There is a large migration from villages and small towns to cities and big towns in search of employment. It has paved the way for an imbalance and there is vast pressure on cities and their natural resources. Our villages should be self-dependent and for that purpose cottage and small industries should be encouraged.

The problem of unemployment is not confined to Pakistan alone, but it has been very acute and chronic here. Enormous amounts of needs matching and sustained efforts plus remedies. The situation in the unorganized sector in rural agriculture and urban areas are equally alarming. Thus, there is a huge man-power lying unused and unemployed. It underlines the futility and failure of our economic polices and planning.

Pakistan is now facing a great problem of terrorism and suicide attacks because of disturbances in our tribal areas and in our neighboring country of Afghanistan. In these critical hours the investors are not interested to invest their capital in our country because they consider it unsafe and insecure, this scenario enhances unemployment due to lack of industry. Obviously, investors and stockholders' would be facing a huge risk here for many years to come relating to profitability which they wouldn't have to suffer or face in outer countries.

The problem in Pakistan is very much nominal because of our obsolete, outdated and old-aged education system introduced by the Britishers. Our education system needs to be changed fundamentally to cater to our industrial and technical needs. Education should be job oriented and closely connected with our industries and organizations practically.

This hindering problem can be resolved if our leaders(political,industrial,elite) want this to suffice; strong steps should be taken to eradicate terrorism and suicide attacks so that an atmosphere of uncertainty should be nullified. Then investors will rush to Pakistan and our people will get jobs. Moreover our own leaders should bring their money back to Pakistan and invest here for its development and nation; hence, this will create a balance and peaceful economy. With the creation of supplementary jobs, Pakistan can eradicate unemployment as well as poverty and start focusing towards becoming a developed nation and a strong worldwide power today.

Shazil Habib Qadri


  1. really interesting point of view

  2. i get your point but the curbing unemployment with some managerial reforms and restructuring is not going to solve the problem at hand. now when we see Pakistan at its current position the situation haunts our dreams and ambitions about the prosperous lavish lifestyle we would wish to attain and our hopes are ravished, but still there is huge potential for the limping economy and politics of the country.

  3. As far as i think education would be the core variable as it effects almost every thing related to the problems of the company. the intellectual level from top to bottom will be improved creating more opportunities and tackling the problem at hand.

  4. An 'unemployed' existence is a worse negation of life than death itself!

  5. totally agree with your point of view. unemployment and corruption are the two main reasons for Pakistan's failing economy

  6. interesting point of view but to add to this i would say that the politicians didnt get enough chances as per say becuz ov dictatorships for 35 long years... we should give them some tym atleast and let democracy prevail

  7. the ppl of pakistan are shitheads.... and do not have the ...... to do something so.... so ja bhai no one cares...

  8. One of the best ways is to burn all the unproductive population that is suffering and give a fresh start to the nation and lets see what happens. Its worth a try

  9. The point of view deserves utmost attention in the coming decade. I feel only Education can bring the requisite change at all spheres of life. It is also important to base our education at grass root level with high quality standard and in line with international levels of acceptance.

  10. The struggle between haves and havenots has situation. It's better to balance all resources at all levels of society and than see the difference it makes.

  11. It is only uniform standard of education which can bring uniform changes n all strata of society and bring reform in society.

  12. If we follow tenents of Islam in letter and.spirit than only change and reforms can take place in society.

  13. You can only change a country if you have two things: motivation & courage.... think about it! There is no set justice in this country! Only we the people can bring that to all!

  14. I don't really have much of an idea about Pakistan living in the the states and all but from what the media gives on the news at this end of the world.... it seems like society is pretty traumatic out there and i don't think many people would wish to visit there from this part of the world in my opinion! But that's just my opinion though.... although, I could be wrong however!

  15. Kaitlyn Richardson29 March 2012 at 12:38

    i second that what this Jacob gentleman said in the first part about just abiding by whatever I hear in the USA about pakistan's economy however, I would like to state that unemployment these days is even inflated in this part of the world. there is unemployment everywhere... we need more organizations to sponsor an excessive amount of higher paying jobs in many countries all around the world.

  16. Interesting...but you forgot to mention the present rolling black-outs. They wont further our cause for more industry and reducing unemployment

  17. Waiting for that day when our leaders gonna do something for Pakistan in real ..

  18. Only Islam can bring change in this stale system

  19. Way to go folks change centuries old rules of game.

  20. A change in way of life comes when you guys bring poor in main stream through uniform education.

  21. Revolution by masses through quality education is the answer.

    1. Uniform education free for all people is the answer folks.

  22. If we r true Muslims we should follow tenets and bring change.

  23. Middle class can improve the standards as in India. We should follow Asian models.

  24. there is always a problem of unemployment associated with pakistan buh since the shortage of power this has reached a new level.. even the industries we are having here are not giving employment to there capacity .. because they cant function because of lack of power....

  25. I think we need a dramatic change in our top leadership, and i see Imran Khan as the only viable candidate to bring that change. Interesting article, and this topic should be discussed more in our nightly shows.

  26. Well said.. Pakistan badly needs good politicians who at least pay attention to the problems faced by the common man.

  27. Well said Shazil buddy... there definitely is potential in your country and I hope they thrive in the coming future! You and your people have suffered a lot of pain and discomfort in the past couple of decades but with time that will all soon end!

  28. well written... education will definitely bring about a change & can lower unemployment... also zardari needs to resign

  29. something seriously needs to be done.. i think we should be positive about the whole thing and instead of treating it as a problem we should convert this into an opportunity for opening new business ventures.. instead of working for big multi nationals we should take our companies across the globe.. lets be employers than being employees..
