Sunday, 25 March 2012

Role of Media


When Pakistan emerged on the map of the world, it had limited resources like for the government office there were only 4 chairs and 2 tables. As far as defense products are concerned only 4 tanks and 6 jeeps were given. Pakistan lost its leader soon after the independence and after that a dictator field marshal Ayub Khan took the seat. The situation in Pakistan changes from time to time sometimes there is peace and sometimes chaos. Initially there was only one media channel working in Pakistan but in the era of General Musharraf many licenses were given to different channels. Many channels were started and the media war started within the country. Every channel tried to compete with each other and in doing so they are selling their product i.e news. Every channel tried to cover as many news as possible to make their channel spicy for the viewers but in doing so they forgot that what kind of news they are selling would hurt the image of Pakistan in international community.
              For example many channels report extensively throughout the whole day if there is a bomb blast every news channel highlight it as much as they can. There is no part in the world who has no issues, in every country there is killing, bloodshed, terrorism etc but whole world only see these problems in our country. One of the reason is that our media highlights it so much that other countries see these problems much greater in Pakistan.
No media channel in Pakistan showed the first satellite launch, no media channel reported about the UAV’s (unarmed air vehicles) made by Pakistan, no media channel shows the beautiful places in Pakistan due to which Pakistan is not only losing tourism but also losing its repute. India has more poverty, more terrorism, many areas are not under the government control but no Indian channel shows that. All they show is the incredible India to attract more investors, tourists in the country.
             So Pakistani media should pay their role responsibly and should contribute positively in the development except just selling bad news. Together we all could rise and build better Pakistan. In the end as Quaid said: “Perform your duty and have faith in God there is no power on earth that can destroy Pakistan”.

Shahzad Salahud-din
Section H

1 comment:

  1. You have pointed out a very sensitive issue. Something that needs to be assesed on a larger scale. I think our media is overdoing it. The 'ratings' aspect has definately damaged our media.
