Thursday, 22 March 2012

Revival of Pakistan requires more than just political change. As far as politics are concerned, some say change is around the corner dressed in green and red, while others insist Pakistan is beyond recovery. We, as the youth, should have political opinions and inclination, and actively take part in the voting process. However, we also need to acknowledge the fact that that is not the extent of our involvement in the future of our country.

The new generation can only reflect integrity and progress when we genuinely care for the betterment of country. The new generation is becoming more vocal in politics, but improvement is not restricted to politics alone. Do we not break traffic rules? Do we not cheat during exams? Do we not mindlessly throw wrappers out our car windows?

Every little step we take in the wrong direction projects a bad image of us. It also hinders the development process. Before a major political change can occur, we need to take a look at ourselves at an individual level. Progress requires enhancement of the mind as well. We need to move past petty judgments and convenient dishonesty, even if it is at the lowest level.

In order to revive our country we need to reassess our attitude; towards our country and towards each other. As the new generation we can promote honesty, integrity, discipline and helping others. We play a major role in polluting our country; we are responsible for what becomes of our country. Another step we can take is being more tolerant towards each other. Be helpful to those who need it and avoid passing meaningless judgments on others.  

It is our country, and it is up to us what we make of it. Politics is not the be all and end all of everything; we are responsible on an individual level as well. 

Shaharyaar Ahmad


  1. Syed Junaid Ali Zaidi24 March 2012 at 13:07

    each and evey line is true, for the revival of our county we must change the way we think

    1. can u please mention the new approach of thinking ! as i dont think there could be a better way of thinking, u r not talking about changing the environment of small group of people its all about Pakistan so

  2. yes i agree Pakitan's youth should come forward to bring a change in Pakistan for the better.

    1. do you really think that they have opportunities to come forward,neither they are never been supported for any good cause surely PML N supports them to just get their foots strong in assembly

  3. Yeah we do need to play our part, and not sit idle and complain about politics. We need to acknowledge our responsibility to our country on an individual level. A lot of people don't even consider these things wrong. Especially being the educated class we shouldn't be making a bigger mess.

  4. agree! for a good change... first, we have to change ourselves! we should stop blaming others for everything worst going on in our country!

  5. i do agree we have to work and struggle

  6. it is true what you have said but don't we need not only to change ourselves at the base level but there is the thing of education and that can only be achieved by promoting education the base line should be to promote education and only then people will have the insight to they need to change themselves

  7. each and every word of what u said is absolutely true. We will not be able to change our country until or unless we change ourselves . lets all hope for a better tomorrow !

  8. agree..."if you wanna make the world a better place
    take a look at yourself and make that change"....

  9. Shazil Habib Qadri27 March 2012 at 13:37


    Pakistan cannot be a strong economy unless the problem of unemployment is adequately addressed. Many young men and women commit suicide because of their long unemployment and lack of any means of livelihood. There is a large migration from villages and small towns to cities and big towns in search of employment. It has paved the way for an imbalance and there is vast pressure on cities and their natural resources. Our villages should be self-dependent and for that purpose cottage and small industries should be encouraged.

    The problem of unemployment is not confined to Pakistan alone, but it has been very acute and chronic here. Enormous amounts of needs matching and sustained efforts plus remedies. The situation in the unorganized sector in rural agriculture and urban areas are equally alarming. Thus, there is a huge man-power lying unused and unemployed. It underlines the futility and failure of our economic polices and planning.

    Pakistan is now facing a great problem of terrorism and suicide attacks because of disturbances in our tribal areas and in our neighboring country of Afghanistan. In these critical hours the investors are not interested to invest their capital in our country because they consider it unsafe and insecure, this scenario enhances unemployment due to lack of industry. Obviously, investors and stockholders' would be facing a huge risk here for many years to come relating to profitability which they wouldn't have to suffer or face in outer countries.

    The problem in Pakistan is very much nominal because of our obsolete, outdated and old-aged education system introduced by the Britishers. Our education system needs to be changed fundamentally to cater to our industrial and technical needs. Education should be job oriented and closely connected with our industries and organizations practically.

    This hindering problem can be resolved if our leaders(political,industrial,elite) want this to suffice; strong steps should be taken to eradicate terrorism and suicide attacks so that an atmosphere of uncertainty should be nullified. Then investors will rush to Pakistan and our people will get jobs. Moreover our own leaders should bring their money back to Pakistan and invest here for its development and nation; hence, this will create a balance and peaceful economy. With the creation of supplementary jobs, Pakistan can eradicate unemployment as well as poverty and start focusing towards becoming a developed nation and a strong worldwide power today.

  10. in all fairness a very decent synopsis of the current situation of the country. while i firmly agree that the spirit of change for the nation as a whole lies in the change of the individual. as far as the development process is concerned,a complete overhaul in the education system could certainly save what we have. good job keep it up :-)

  11. most important thing is that first we as an individual need to bring change at national level. It is true that because of political instability in Pakistan we all are facing the worst scenario ever since. so if we want to bring some change in our country we need to change our taxes system because this act than we can change the aspect of poor becoming poor and richer becoming richer. these small changes can only bring political stability in our country an changes everything.

  12. yes our youth need to come forward to bring the change in our country

  13. saadat ali saeed7 April 2012 at 11:38

    a spot on analysis of the current situation of this country people are more willing to sit on there couches and play the blame game while the moment to act passes by i totally agree on the part of finishing this ever so increasing division of this country sectarian, racial division should end only if we follow the 3 golden rules of unity faith and discipline we will be able to achieve the goal that was set by the generations who lost there lives just to make sure that one mans dream becomes a reality
