Wednesday, 28 March 2012

For the sake of remarkable educational framework

I am frequently alleged of just exhibiting negativity out of me and only being critical. Most believe that I usually point out intensity of problems and I brilliantly ignore their solutions and a better future after their occurrences. Writing such an article for our blog is smart approach to tackle this false and malicious allegation against me with a suggestion to set the educational structure right. I truly hope that this attempt will serve me with remarkable grade in this course  ;P and may this minute piece of my writing could contribute something for our nation.  So I have come forward with a set of proposal suggesting a better educational framework that if considered and implemented could bring a drastic positive change in our society. Aforementioned suggestions are purely my personnel beliefs and opinions and I would sincerely appreciate any kind of criticism or addition to my writing.

1.      Private school system should be abolished and profit making for this socially desirable merit good should be considered as against the law for the sake of equality and for providing the same opportunity for one to attain education.

2.      A system of egalitarian schools should be established in every corner of the country.

3.      Education should be made compulsory as well as free for all ages and gender.

4.      The furniture (if any) will be the same in all the schools. If chairs then chairs for every school. If mats then mats for every school.

5.      History will be taught as a factual subject and not as a concocted re-written history. The events as they took place in an un-biased and objective manner.

6.      Literature and poetry and music and art will be taught as compulsory subjects.

7.      It is of greater need that all school systems should be made as co-educational institutes to promote gender interaction to remove any kind of discrimination and false perceptions about each other.

8.      A greater stress should be laid on providing necessary education to the third gender as from centuries their existence in the sub continent has been denied.

9.      Girls should be taught as equal to boys and they should not be taught to accept the notion that somehow they are only half as good as boys.
Hamad Salah-ud-din



  1. education system should be changed immediately in pakistan. it is the need of the hour.our current system is producing cramming donkeys who dont study for knowledge ,but they study for marks....

  2. ahmed abdullah1 April 2012 at 16:26

    good point you have elobrated , but im not in the favor of co educating.. in my experience co educating leads to many social problems... which are not that much excepted in our islamic culture

  3. hammad saladin1 April 2012 at 16:28

    what i think is co education is good for the younger generation because it will minimize the sexual frustration among the young generation
